
Produção Bibliográfica


ANDRADE, ANDRÉ MEDEIROS DE ; Michel, Roberto Ferreira Machado ; BREMER, Ulisses Franz ; SCHAEFER, CARLOS ERNESTO GONÇALVES REYNAUD ; SIMÕES, JEFFERSON CARDIA . Relationship between solar radiation and surface distribution of vegetation in Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, Maritime Antarctica. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, v. 39, p. 2238-2254, 2018.

SÁ, MARIANA M.F. ; SCHAEFER, CARLOS E.G.R. ; Bockheim, James G. ; LOUREIRO, DIEGO C. ; Michel, Roberto F.M. ; Simas, Felipe N.B. . Genesis of a Holocene soil chronosequence from the southernmost Andes Mountains, Tierra del Fuego. CATENA, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2017.

ALMEIDA, IVAN C.C. ; SCHAEFER, CARLOS E.G.R. ; Michel, Roberto F.M. ; FERNANDES, RAPHAEL B.A. ; PEREIRA, THIAGO T.C. ; DE ANDRADE, ANDRÉ M. ; Francelino, Marcio R. ; Fernandes Filho, Elpidio I. ; Bockheim, James G. . Long term active layer monitoring at a warm-based glacier front from maritime Antarctica. Catena (Cremlingen), v. xx, p. xx, 2016.

Schaefer, Carlos Ernesto G.R. ; Michel, Roberto F.M. ; DELPUPO, CAROLINE ; SENRA, EDUARDO O. ; BREMER, ULISSES F. ; Bockheim, James G. . Active layer thermal monitoring of a Dry Valley of the Ellsworth Mountains, Continental Antarctica. Catena (Cremlingen), v. 149, p. 603-615, 2016.

SCHAEFER, CARLOS E.G.R. ; PEREIRA, THIAGO T.C. ; ALMEIDA, IVAN C.C. ; Michel, Roberto F.M. ; CORRÊA, GUILHERME R. ; FIGUEIREDO, LUANA P.S. ; KER, JOÃO C. . Penguin activity modify the thermal regime of active layer in Antarctica: A case study from Hope Bay. Catena (Cremlingen), v. 149, p. 582-591, 2016.

ANDRADE, ANDRÉ MEDEIROS DE ; ARIGONY-NETO, JORGE ; BREMER, ULISSES FRANZ ; MICHEL, R. F. M. ; FASSONI-ANDRADE, ALICE CÉSAR ; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R. ; SIMÕES, JEFFERSON CARDIA . Cosmo-SkyMed X-band SAR data for classification of ice-free areas and glacier facies on Potter Peninsula, King George Island. Geocarto International, v. 31, p. 1-19, 2015.

Item Title

MICHEL, R. F. M.; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R. ; LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ, JERÓNIMO ; SIMAS, FELIPE N.B. ; HAUS, NICK W. ; SERRANO, ENRIQUE ; BOCKHEIM, JAMES G. . Soils and landforms from Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, Maritime Antarctica. Geomorphology (Amsterdam), v. 225, p. 76-86, 2014.

Item Title

MICHEL, R. F. M.; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R. ; SIMAS, F. M. B. ; FRANCELINO, M. R. ; FERNANDES-FILHO, E. I. ; LYRA, G. B. ; BOCKHEIM, J. G. . Active-layer thermal monitoring on the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Maritime Antarctica. Solid Earth, v. 5, p. 1361-1374, 2014.

Item Title

MENDONÇA, THIAGO ; MELO, VANDER F. ; ALLEONI, LUÍS R.F. ; SCHAEFER, CARLOS E.G.R. ; MICHEL, ROBERTO F.M. . Lead adsorption in the clay fraction of two soil profiles from Fildes Peninsula, King George Island. Antarctic Science (Print), v. 25, p. 389-396, 2013.

Item Title

MENDONÇA, THIAGO ; MELO, VANDER FREITAS ; ERNESTO, CARLOS ; SCHAEFERFELIPE, G.R. ; SIMAS, FELIPE N. B. ; MICHEL, ROBERTO F.M. . Clay Mineralogy of Gelic Soils from the Fildes Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica. Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 77, p. 2012.0135, 2013.

Item Title

DE ANDRADE, RENATO PEREIRA ; MICHEL, ROBERTO FERREIRA MACHADO ; SCHAEFER, CARLOS ERNERTO GONÇALVES REYNAUD ; SIMAS, FELIPE NOGUEIRA BELLO ; WINDMÖLLER, CLÁUDIA CARVALHINHO . Hg distribution and speciation in Antarctic soils of the Fildes and Ardley peninsulas, King George Island. Antarctic Science (Print), v. _, p. 1-13, 2012.

Item Title

GUERRA, M. B. B. ; ROSA, P. F. ; ROSA, P. F. ; MICHEL, R. F. M. ; SCHAEFER, C. E. ; PEREIRA Filho, E.R ; ALMEIDA, I. C. . Chemometric Tools in Chemical Fractionation Data of Soil Samples from Five Antarctic Research Stations. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Online), v. 00, p. 1, 2012.

Item Title

MICHEL, R. F. M.; SCHAEFER, CARLOS ERNESTO G.R. ; POELKING, EVERTON L. ; SIMAS, FELIPE N.B. ; FERNANDES FILHO, ELPIDIO I. ; BOCKHEIM, JAMES G. . Active layer temperature in two Cryosols from King George Island, Maritime Antarctica. Geomorphology (Amsterdam) , v. _, p. _, 2011.

Item Title

GUERRA, M.B.B ; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R. ; MICHEL, R. F. M. ; ROSA, P. F. ; FILHO, E. R. P . Chemometric and Analytical Strategies for the Study of Soils from Maritime Antarctica. Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry - BrJAC (Print), v. 03, p. 148-157, 2011.

Item Title

MICHEL, R. F. M.; SIMAS, F. N. B. ; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R. ; MELO F. VANDER ; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, M. R. ; VITOR V. PEREIRA ; MARIANA R. M. GOMES . Ornithogenic cryosols from Maritime Antarctica: Phosphatization as a soil forming process. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v. 138, p. 191-203, 2007.

Item Title

MICHEL, R. F. M.; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R. ; DIAS, L. E. ; SIMAS, F. N. B. ; BENITES V. M. ; MENDONÇA E. S. . Ornithogenic Gelisols (Cryosols) from Maritime Antarctica: Pedogenesis, Vegetation, and Carbon Studies. Soil Science Society of America Journal , v. 70, p. 1370-1376, 2006.

Item Title

DIAS, H. C. T. ; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. R. ; FERNANDES FILHO, E. I. ; OLIVEIRA, A. P. ; MICHEL, R. F. M. ; LEMOS JUNIOR, J. B. . Caracterização de Solos Altimontanos em dois Transectos no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, MG.. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (Impresso), Viçosa, v. 27, n.2, p. xxx-xxx, 2003.

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